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Laureus 'Sport For Good' Foundation
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In October 2004, IMAGE -  Indian   Mixed  Ability  Group  Events program was launched by the Laureus Sports Academy at Sahara Lake City in Amby Valley.
IMAGE stands for Indian Mixed Ability Group Events. The main aim of IMAGE is to break down barriers that exclude disabled people from mainstream society and bridge the communication gaps, between the able-bodied and disabled communities, through sport. IMAGE proposes to create a new world where able-bodied and disabled children are taking part in an everyday activity side by side on an equal footing, creating a model for other areas of life. This is passive social education with the aim of integrating communities.

The Laureus 'Sport For Good' Foundation
The Laureus World Sports Academy was formed in 1999 in conjunction with the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation. The philosophy of the organization is to tackle pressing social challenges by using sport as the tool to make the world a better place. The Laureus 'Sport for Good Foundation' is the sponsor of the IMAGE program.
http://www.sksn.org/images/spacer.gifSporting activities are among the most spirited, healthy and energetic facets of our society.  Laueus ‘Sport for Good Foundation’  strong commitment to this is reflected in its close association with different sports. In fact, it's the firm belief of  Laurues ‘Sport for Good Foundation’  that the role of sports goes beyond simply providing recreation or stimulation - and in today's time, it has a critical role in ensuring peace and harmony in the world.
Laureus ‘Sport for Good Foundation’ is the official sponsor for IMAGE.