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17:00 Physical Training (PT)

As one student bangs a bass drum, another a snare drum, two students sit cross legged on the school verandah leading their fellow students in vigorous arm exercises. Some students sit, some stand depending on their disability.

Volunteers or visitors are also welcome to join in!

After half an hour of co-ordinated PT, the students split into groups. Handstand runs are the order of the day for the children who cannot use their lower limbs - they walk round the quadrangle on their hands with the greatest of ease.

Another group does a form of gymnastics called 'Pole Malkam'. Each boy in turn stands in front of a 4 metre high round pole, then grasping it pulls himself to the top through an array of athletic twists and turns to finish with a particular position. Other students take part in 'Rope Malkam'.